AIM Rule 26

Last updated on 1 July 2024

The following information is being disclosed for the purposes of Rule 26 of the AIM Rules for Companies.

Description of the business: can be found on the About Us page.

Names of Directors and Biographical Details: can be found on the Leadership page.

Directors’ Responsibilities: can be found on the Governance page.

Board Committees: can be found on the Governance page.

Country of Incorporation and Main Country of Operation: Yellow Cake plc was incorporated in Jersey as a public limited company on 18 January 2018. Yellow Cake’s main country of operation is Jersey.

Rights of Shareholders: Yellow Cake is incorporated in Jersey. The rights of shareholders may be different from the rights of shareholders in a UK incorporated company.

Current Constitutional Documents: Articles of Association.

Details of any Other Exchanges or Trading Platforms​: The Company’s ordinary shares trade on the OTCQX® Best Market, the OTC Markets Group’s premier market for established companies. The Company’s ordinary shares are eligible to be electronically cleared and settled through the Depository Trust Company.

Number of Securities in Issue:

As at 20 June 2024, Yellow Cake had 221,440,730 ordinary shares in issue of which 4,584,283 shares were held in treasury.

The Company was aware of the following holdings of 3% or more in the Company’s issued share capital:

Significant shareholders Number of Shares Percentage of issued share capital excluding treasury shares
MM Asset Management 21,813,167 10.06
Global X Management Company 16,240,476 7.49
Interactive Brokers (EO) 10,857,004 5.01
Kopernik Global Investors 10,510,215 4.85
Hargreaves Lansdown, stockbrokers (EO) 8,877,878 4.09
Brandes Investment Partners 8,817,427 4.07
ALPS Advisors 8,528,618 3.93
Details of any Restrictions on the Transfer of Securities: There are no restrictions as to the transfer of shares in Yellow Cake.

Company Announcements: can be found on the Regulatory news page.

Admission Document and Circulars: Admissions materials can be found on the Shareholder information page.

Corporate Governance Code: Yellow Cake’s directors recognise the importance of sound corporate governance and intend that the Company will comply with the provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code, insofar as they are appropriate given the Company’s size and business.

Corporate Governance Statement: Corporate Governance Statement.

UK City Code on Takover and Mergers (“City Code”): Yellow Cake is subject to the City Code.

Advisors: Can be found on the Shareholder information page.

Financial Information: can be found on the Results and reports page.